I know I haven't update in a quarter part never, but if it helps at all I've really been making the most out of my summer vacation, as much as I can at least. I only work three full days out of the week (I made that super clear to everyone at work) so that I can get as much relaxing, working out, getting the apartment fixed up, reading and writing done as I possible can (in that order actually). I nearly had a crazy attack during my first year of grad school and this summer I really just wanted to do things on my time and get the things accomplished that I wanted to. I'll admit that the writing thing has been pushed aside by all of the other things I find popping up during my time off, but I've got some ideas brewing in my head about more than a few poems that will hopefully spew themselves out soon. I've also been hard at work at cooking! I've been diligently searching through cookbooks and magazines to find new recipes that are easy to eat and that are enjoyable for The Brian. Tomorrow night is homemade stuffed crust veggie pizza with a Field Roast Italian style veggie sausage. I'm pretty excited about folding the string cheeses into my pizza dough and seeing how it comes out. One thing I've really made a lot of this summer is cornbread. I freaking love cornbread and pretty much an bread on the face of the earth. I've discovered that cornbread is made even better when you half the listed ingredients (I used boxed kinds) and substitute in a whole can of creamed corn < EFFING AWESOME. You'll probably projectile vomit in delight only to make room for more delicious cornbread. I've actually been on a real bread kick making frequent trips to The Teet (Harris Teeter) for their rosemary olive oil bread and, Fresh Market for their ciabatta loaves and.....wait for it.....WHOLE FOODS! Yes my ass finally got to go to a Whole Foods 2 hours away in Richmond, Virginia. It was magical, a food bar lovers delight. Unfortunately my mom and I ate at the Cheesecake Factory before going and had NO idea we could get something cheaper at Whole Foods' awesome cold/hot/salad bars. I was blown away and violently angry that Hampton Roads doesn't have a Whole Foods. I basically flipped a truck and punted a child in a burst of passionate anger. Their bread was, as the kids call is "off the chain" and all I want is more MOAR!! I also enjoyed their vegan candy bar selection and their health and beauty sections and it really puts target to shame (I'm sorry Target).
I've also spent my fair share of time at the beach. I got EVERY Friday no matter what (except rain, der!) and I always frequent my favorite frozen yogurt establishment, The Skinny Dip. They're putting one at the end of my street sometime at the end of the summer and I'm so afraid I'll be featured on Discovery Health as "World's Fattest Bitch Ever: For Real". Luckily Skinny Dip's flavors are only like 120 calories for 4oz. so it'll take a lot of frozen yogurt. The beach and ice cream are pretty much my two favorite inanimate objects that can't speak so I really enjoy that the two are within close proximity of each other.

I've also invested in a new toaster oven! Brian and I had been toasting toast in our normal oven since we moved in last November so we decided to be green and actually get one. We've been making lots of waffles and Brian has a new favorite way of preparing food. His new most commonly used phrase is "can I cook this in here" (points to toaster oven hopefully). Frozen waffles are pretty much the shit because I can put all sorts of crap on them like all the delicious summer fruits we have available. I usually have blubes, raspberries and some almond butter with mine along with some Earth Balance or my fancy french butter.

On the exercise front, it's been sporadic and I haven't really settled on one form of exercise. I go from running outside, to elliptical at the gym, to p90x, to hot yoga, to yoga videos with a little Jillian Michaels thrown in. I'm kind of irritated with my workout ADD and I wish I could stick with just one program enough to see results. I have a tendency to half-ass everything and I know I'm doing the same thing with my workouts. I went for a run this morning but made the mistake of cutting my toenails the night before so now they all feel as if they've been jammed into my toe flesh and my ankles feel really tight. Ugh, I'm such an old person. Anywho, I'm glad I've gotten to throw in an update and now that I've done it I feel better about adding more. I'll let you all know how the pizza turns out! Have good eats!!
Emily! Glad to see you added a new post! I've tried to send some traffic your way by linking you on my blog. Sounds like you're having a fun summer!
ReplyDelete-The other Emily B :]