Now, British bacon is a lot different from American bacon which they refer to as "streaky bacon" referring to the alternating streaks of fat and meat we're all so familiar with. Now with my biased opinion, I think British bacon is far superior to our American version because you get more bacon for your buck! It's also a lot leaner since it's basically a thinly-sliced pork lion. They're great for bacon sandwiches but if you prefer crunchy bacon it might not be the thing for you since it's better eaten soft.
Sundays also seem to signal the end of late night eating for the next few days. This really should be an all-the-time rule, but Sundays always seem to be a reminder that your eating schedule should return to normalcy; no beers at 12am and mo ice cream for dinner. Saturday night I decided to try out my new fancy Calphalon muffin pan and a vegan cupcake recipe I printed off while bored at work (tell anyone and I'll kill you). I only had whole wheat pastry flour and in my experience, whole wheat tends to suck up moisture like crazy! The cupcakes came out ok though even with the signature whole wheat graininess, it didn't ruin the cupcake experience though. I tried by hand at a vegan "butter cream" frost which turned out way too thin. After a few teaspoons of corn starch and a bit of xantham gum it thickened up enough to stay on top of the cupcake and not melt down the sides, which did happen to two unfortunate test-cakes. The frosting was a bit boring with just the vanilla flavoring so I added some shaved coconut and a bit of lime juice to make my "Lime in the Coconut Vegan Frosting". Brian liked it so much he ate 3, I ate one and a half and felt like I was going into diabetic shock.
Last week, I also made a quick batch of one of my favorite dishes in the whole wide world: pancit! For those of you unfamiliar with it, pancit is a Filipino noodle dish that combines various veggies and meats along with soy sauce. It sounds simple, but I've had such a hard time replicating what I get at my favorite Filipino bakery (Glory's) I thought I'd try something new. Rice noodles are usually soaked in warm water before being incorporated into a dish in order to softer them up. In this batch I just threw the raw noodles into the chicken broth and it really made a world of difference. Instead of soaking up plain water which has NO flavor, it soaked up all the brothy goodness and tasted so much better. It was the best batch I ha ever made and I'm so happy I tried this new method because there aren't any Filipino restaurants near me. The only one's I know of are closer to where I grew up.
My Sunday is about to come to a close and I still have a bunch of work to finish up with. The good news is I finally bought myself some new clothes. I have been very hesitant to buy myself new clothes since I've lost weight because my plan has always been to lose more and I would hate to get rid of things I've just bought. Seeing as how the scale has barely moved since April 2009, it's time for me to buy some stuff that actually fits me since I've still been wearing some of my old fat clothes in order to save up for some new stuff. I'm pretty excited, seeing as how I've worn the same 4-5 outfits for the past almost 2 years and they're really starting to wear out. That's all for now!!