Tempeh, I'm sorry, but I just don't like you. It's nothing personal and if I had to eat you I would, but since I have the choice I choose not too. I bought a block of tempeh a few years ago and didn't know how to prepare it so it went bad in the fridge. I decided to try it again on a whim when I saw it in the grocery store. I steamed it for about 10 minutes before adding it to a sort of stir fry I had made with some asparagus, kale and spring onions. I also threw a sauce on top made with soy sauce and maple syrup which sort of caramelized over the tempeh and the veggies. The texture of tempeh is just weird, soft soybeans with not much flavor. I'm not really a texture freak so I was surprised that I didn't enjoy it, but I just couldn't bring myself to eat the entire thing. The veggies and the sauce were *awesome* though and everything mixed with the quinoa was a really delicious and filling meal. Quinoa is becoming a new favorite. I have had it in the past and wasn't too blown away with it, but I've recently discovered that by rinsing the quinoa before cooking it removes the bitter seed casings that might still be attached tot he seeds. Even if it wasn't the biggest success it certainly looked nice.

I spent my Saturday like I normally do, at my parents house doing laundry (my building doesn't have laundry facilities) and when it's warm I love to hang out on their patio swinging on the porch swing. I usually end up getting sunburned while I do this so my legs are varying colors of pinks and reds. They look kind of like a paint color sample but on my FREAKING LEGS. Oh well, that's why God invented sunless tanner. For lunch my dad suggested a pseudo-ploughman's lunch which in British-people terms is a lunch of varied crap that would resemble something a farmer would bring for lunch while working out in the fields. Stuff like bits of leftover meat, some roasted or boiled (surprise!) vegetable, cheese and some bread. We had a buttload of fruit, some smoked salmon and a lot of other stuff. It was very satisfying.

My day ended with Brian and I going out to eat with our friends Emily and Pete to the new YNot Pizza that opened up about a block away from our apartment. I fattied it up by getting stuffed shells (oh hell yes) and pink grapefruit gelato which was effing amazing so all-in-all today was a good day!
when i was in hawaii for my internship, the people i stayed with fed us kale for almost every meal... they made it the same way every time, and even once they had some neighbor come try to change it up, and she still managed to make it as boring as usual. i searched for recipes to try to find a way to enjoy it, but with my limited resources there, i really couldn't do anything about it. i like how you mixed it in with other veggies and made it PART of the dish, and not just a big blob of side dish! i'll have to try it!